Friday, March 29, 2024

Creative Critical Reflection

The Blind Spot reflection

Throughout the duration of this project I've put together all the skills learned to produce the presented products. It was a great learning opportunity and surely expanded my horizons! UNTIL NEXT TIME..... 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Film opening

" The Blind Spot." By: Ahmik Davidson 


 As stated in the previous blog post:  some scenes had to be lengthened by eliminating the scripted cuts, as the editing in between with all the cutting would make it feel almost unnatural. The editing scene was a lot more time consuming than expected, however it was completed. It really brought the piece together and I'm proud of the result. UNTIL NEXT TIME.....

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Pre-spring break check up

 Today I worked on finishing up the script for both of my videos for the creative critical reflection. Going into spring break I'm looking to take maybe 3-4 days to film and edit both videos. I plan to spend most of those days editing as I don't want my video to be boring and editing can really liven up my c.c.r. I made the script as straightforward as I could directly answering the questions to the best I could. I plan to include behind the scene photos of the film day process to add visual effect. Most likely I'll be using my sister to be the interviewer in the video answering questions one and two. Therefore, I'll send her lines to her so she could start rehearsing and get a feel of what it is I'm asking of her. Hope everyone has a safe and fun spring break. UNTIL NEXT TIME......

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

CCR development

Today is the beginning of the creation of my creative critical reflection. After viewing past CCR's via a provided link from my teacher, I took to my trusty google document to begin spitting out ideas to outline how I could best answer the given questions while making it as entertaining as possible. I've decided to split up the two questions so that one video answers the first and second questions and the third and fourth. The way I decided to format the two videos was questions one and two being answered via an interview of the main actor by a talk show host. The video covering the third and fourth questions was in the format of a popular fan making a YouTube video reviewing the film and giving their honest thoughts and feelings towards it. UNTIL NEXT TIME....


Monday, March 18, 2024

Weekend recap

My co-directors and I (my sister and her friend) made our ways over to my friends house to record my film "The blind spot." I brought them along for their differing perspectives and expertise on how to improve the shooting session. Starting off it was pretty straight forward, after gathering my actors and dressing them accordingly to the character design I plotted, we began filming. I followed my shot list/ storyboard to a T. We really focused on and emphasized getting the desired angles needed to set the mood. The elements such as wardrobe, setting, and sounds weren't a problem, what became the struggle was the execution of the lines. We had a hard time delivering the lines with the correct emotion they were to be delivered with. For this reason each scene took numerous takes to get just right. As the scenes progress, it became more and more abstract as it was brought to my attention that some scenes had to be lengthened as the editing in between with all the cutting would make it feel almost unnatural. One thing I found most innovated and interesting was us placing a blanket behind the camera in the scenes where the light was meant to be dimmed. We figured we'd burn a lot of time by waiting for the sun to go down so this little D.I.Y trick really helped us out. UNTIL NEXT TIME.....

Thursday, March 14, 2024


 Today's lesson was very useful as we went over the do's and don'ts of our portfolio project's creative critical reflection. This presentation brought to my attention the weight and significance that this very blog will have in my project. I started brainstorming on the way I'd answer the various questions and found it most creative for me to do an interview as the actor of the main character being famous. I think it's a cool concept and allows me to answer the questions efficiently. The main thing I learned from this lesson was to not be boring in the making of these responses and I can spice them up with things such as music and editing visuals. I also was given the Idea of taking pictures of my set up during the production process to show a behind the scenes look as it leaves for a good reflection. Once again great progress today......... UNTIL NEXT TIME! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Readying the troops

Today is the beginning of when it all comes together. I messaged my friends to cast them as Williams and Blake, along with sending them their character descriptions and the script so they have some sort of idea what they're getting themselves into. I even got my mom aboard to critique my project in the filming process. She agreed to be a camerawoman if needed. So we've aligned our schedules to meet this Saturday to begin the filming process. I've researched and developed elements of Mis-en-scene, genre, script writing, shot composition, and color concepts. Now..... I'm ready!

Developing Mis-en-san

 In order to organize the mis-sen-san elements in my film I decided to jot down the specifics on a google document. I missed the unit where we were taught the elements of mis-sen-san, therefore, I took it upon myself to research the concept via YouTube.

I watched this video for the basic breakdown: What is Mis-sen-san along with the video: Understanding Mis-en-scene . The videos informed me that mise-en-scene is more than just the literal environment around the characters; it can tell a story on it's own and further develop the plot. This is through lighting, props, and wardrobe, therefore, I sectioned off my document by those categories.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Creating my storyboard

 Hello blog, today(as you can tell from the title) I created my storyboard. I'm by no means an artist but I found it would be useful to create a story board to create a visual of my film. It allowed me to implement specific angles, and transitioning techniques to further enhance my project. I think by doing so, when it comes to film day, the process will be made much easier. I included my specific shots/angles, and my estimated time for each scene. Until next time...

Creative Critical Reflection

The Blind Spot reflection