Thursday, February 15, 2024

Initial story planning

 Hello again, continuing from yesterday's post, I moved more into the planning of the story line.

So I thought long and hard about the opening scene. I think the reason it was so difficult for me to come up with the opening shot was because opening shots in a lot of cases though they may be short can tell a lot about a film. So original my approach of thinking of a scene from scratch led to a mix of many ideas. I thought of all the elements that would make up my story so this made it hard for me to decide on one particular shot. So then I thought of how I wanted my film to be symbolic and thought provoking. Then i thought wouldn't it be clever to choose a title that cleverly represents the themes of the film. So I thought of the theme of deception. What's a better representation of deception than an eye, this is because people are deceived by what they see, so you can't have deception without eyes. So I decided to come up with the title first, and once again keeping the theme of deception and eyes, I came up with the title " The blind spot". This now helped me organize my thoughts and come up with the opening establishing shot I found most suitable. This shot being what you could easily guess..... an extreme close-up of the protagonist's eye.

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Creative Critical Reflection

The Blind Spot reflection